This model was built from the Heller kit with added cockpit detailing using the etch brass set produced by Airwaves for the "Hi-Tech" version of the kit. At the time E.D Models (The then proprietors of Airwaves) were selling off the unused, surplus sets, so I acquired a quantity which I am still using. The ejector seat is from Neomega.
The metallic finish was again achieved using Alclad by masking around the larger panels and airbrushing them with different shades. The smaller panels were replicated by using sections of silver decal sheet cut to the correct size.
Aeromaster's "Desert Mirages" set was used for the marking with model finished as an aircraft of the Israeli Air Force's 'First Jet Squadron' during the Six-Day War in 1967.
This work by Roland Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Looks great this Mirage in early markings. Very well done the metal shades. Congratulations. BoB - WarbirdFactory